This is my test blog post from Aquamacs.

Well, i am just going to write a brief about how I made this post work.

First of all, let me point you to this wonderful link, which list down the way to make emacs and org-mode work with wodpress and make this post possible.

So, here what i did.

I had this melpa and elpa repostiory already configured. so quickly did M-x package-install return; org2blog return
some quick configuration changes in my .emacs file to incorporate the org2blog settings and wordpress cofiguration.
(setq org2blog/wp-blog-alist
       :url ""
       :username "admin")))
Now, we just need to login to our wordpress blog, M-x org2blog/wp-login return
and start writing post with M-x org2blog/wp-new-entry return
Happy blogging C-c p return.

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